Game On

Today was a hard day as we sent the boys back to university for another term. It was like September all over again but today was a bit easier in the sense that we enjoyed the past few weeks and the old adage that “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, holds true.

It is hard to believe how fast time is flying by.  I want to make sure that I do not leave anything to chance.

Another sad note today…for those that have followed my earlier blogs, one more Coady Street kid has passed away.

This is getting more frequent and I am certain that for the Connolly family, enough is enough. Monica was far too young but again none of us know when the hour will arrive and hopefully we have our affairs in order.

It is so difficult to say goodbye when you know they are not coming home again.  My thoughts and prayers are with them.

Over the coming weeks, I will be adding some tools to my website to help ensure that people do have their affairs in order.  It is more a “call to action” and a reference point as I see the results of poor planning, or no planning and the mess it can leave.

I hope you will find it helpful and use it to ensure your stuff is done somewhere other than just in your head.

As we enter a new year and a new decade, I hope that each of us can be the change we wish to see in others. Treat each person that we meet as a precious gift, for we all have something to offer no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

The world is ready for the best we have to offer but as the sentence reads…we need to offer.

Life is a sport, and we can choose to play or simply watch and criticize. If we do not play, we have no right to complain about the outcome.  I say, game on…