Cereal Bowls and Super Bowls

In just two more days I get to knock another item off of my bucket list. I am going to the Super Bowl in Dallas Texas, and although my beloved Patriots will not be participating, for football enthusiasts, this is the equivalent to Muslims making the pilgrimage to Mecca or my wife meeting Oprah.

Having a bucket list or a dream board was something that I always found kind of corny. Every day seemed like a new adventure and I really saw each day as an unopened envelope. But as life wears you down and you get trampled by other people in your journey, it is so easy to become cynical and suspicious of other peoples motives. It becomes easier and easier to find fault in all of life’s encounters.

The bucket list restores hope and anticipation into our lives and allows us to become those starry-eyed kids, dreaming of our next adventure. Our aspirations are only limited to our imaginations. You know those kinds of dreams. They become much more complicated as we age yet the color of these dreams is as vibrant now as they were back as a youth. Maybe it involves romance or the winning hit. Maybe it was of harmony in times of turmoil or the return of a loved who was now passed away. The dreams may seem unreachable because of money or be held from our grasp because of a lack of confidence to pursue.

The universal issue is that we must allow ourselves to imagine, and if we were to sit and review the scope of some our wishes, we would soon be convinced that dreams do come true. As a child, I can remember that when I became older, I would buy my own box of cereal. You know the good stuff such as Froot Loops, Corn Pops or Sugar Crisp. But at our house,  we always had Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, and Special K. It is now as a parent that I sympathize with my poor mother. Imagine seven kids whacked out on sugar and the dental bills to go with it. I am sure that would have been her nightmare.

So where am I going with this you may ask? Go buy yourself your own box of cereal and cozy up to the TV on Sunday for an evening of football, and hilarious Super Bowl commercials. Oh yeah, we are not allowed to watch them in Canada unless you have a dish from the states. Anyhow, make time for yourself to dream and reward yourself with a smile or a laugh. Worst case scenario, eat the cereal with chocolate milk. It is bound to tick someone off that you are having so much fun. Your dentist will love you and your mother will appreciate the fact that it did not happen on her watch.