Make this one count

Having the time to travel with those that I love most, makes me yearn for all of those special moments on a more frequent basis. But as old cliches go “ya never miss it until it is too late”.

Life is the greatest equalizer, and no matter who you are, and irrelevant to what you have accumulated, the really important stuff does not have a currency symbol. That which matters most will always appear at the most unsuspecting, but most appropriate times. Kinda like long lost friends.

I know that I have talked in past blogs about the amazing creatures known as children and the wealth of knowledge that they possess. The unconditional love that they show for us, even though the only real advantage we have over them is age, just blows me away. Adults can be so dumb. We forget to laugh, smile, cry or show any type of emotion that may make us remotely human, yet we have these perfect specimens right in plain view, showing us how life can and is being lived.

As you may guess, my last few days have been spent at amusement parks complete with roller coasters, that will twist you and turn you, in every imaginable direction. What a great study in people though. You see the best and the worst. You can tell the parents from the grandparents. How did they become so wise? They were so busy parenting that they forgot to enjoy the children the first time around. They won’t make the same mistake twice. Not everybody gets that second chance. Better make this one count…