What about tomorrow
When bad things happen, we have a choice to make. Yes, it is easy to preach when it is not happening to you but human triumph has shaped our planet today. I get so sick of sensationalized TV media beating a story to death. They sure have every angle covered.
But what about all the good news stories. They never make it to air because it is not what people want. I disagree. Our society is mired in the muck of negativity and has become the most medicated and depressed group of people in the history of the planet. It has got to stop.
The big conglomerates want to sell us their continued garbage so that they control us through defeat and helplessness. I listened to an interview today and the young lady was telling a counselor that she was depressed because she was not where she felt she needed to be financially at age 32. Yet, she owned a home, had a job, had money in the bank and had over $150,000 saved for retirement. The counselor asked her if she realized that 2/3 of the planet was existing on less than $1.00 a day.
We only know what our limits are when we push through adversity and challenge new frontiers. We re-create and re-invent based on positive and productive thoughts. We write the blueprint for our lives and it can exemplify the positive or it can mirror the herd, who dwell in the negative.
I pray tonight for the people of Japan, Libya, Yemen, Egypt and other countries that are struggling in turmoil and tragedy. Their obstacles are obvious. Yet my greatest worries are for those that do not see their struggles and welcome them, as an opportunity to improve and make a difference. These people have my sympathy.
Great men and women have come before us and laid the cornerstones so that our generation could live a much richer life. They were not talking about money though. The treasure they left was hidden in the example they set. They did not have time to fret and worry about tomorrow as they were too busy living for today. Some people never make it to tomorrow.