Rest easy my son for this part of your journey is complete. No more pain, no more disappointment, no more fears, or regrets. Once again, your spirit will live large and the gifts of my love will shower you. Breathe the cool air that soothes, energizes and allows you to soar. Run through the fields of fresh flowers, to the majestic forests, to the shores of the crystal blue waters. All this I have done for you as a visible, tangible sign of your worth to me.
There is no secret to my love and there are no human barriers to the receipt of my grace and compassion. I am your comfort and your calming. No more will you be subject to the human frailties that your earthly journey was riddled with. My embrace is not exclusive nor is it subject to the many that try to distort it to serve their own motives, ideals, and egos.
I am love in its purest form. My love knows no conditions, boundaries or limits. It is infinite and everlasting and although I have asked each of my creations, to embody my spirit, it is the simplest and uncomplicated beauties that have fulfilled my desire.  I know your heart and now you know mine. May your spirit envelope, emblazon and encourage others who struggle to see my beauty in a world full of distraction.  You are home.