The Lies We Are Told

As our world continues to change, at a pace never seen before, it is easy to become confused and disillusioned. Many aspects of our lives, that were sure things, or that we take for granted, might not turn out the way we expect. The shift is dramatic.

I met an old friend the other day and he was reflecting on stories told by his dad many years ago. He said his dad had never seen a bottle of jam until wartime when 4 of his older brothers went to serve overseas. These 4 sent their pays home to the family to feed the other 8 or 9 kids, who were basically starving, prior to this world event. The war brought prosperity for some and tragedy for others.  Depends which end of the stick you were on.

Three of the brothers made it home while one paid the ultimate sacrifice. I visited his grave last spring and the emotion that I felt was of sadness and appreciation that someone would do this for others. Whether it is family, or a stranger, what a selfless act to fight for freedom, but also to provide for your family, one of the basic human needs. In many ways, there was never a choice; it was always about survival.

Today as the Baby Boomers arrive at the retirement age, there are many who face uncertainty as our social programs strain to provide even the most basic of needs like food, clothing, and shelter. Many were sold The North American Dream that promised prosperity, for hard work and dedication. Alas, many arrive to the golden years only to find that there is no jam in the cupboard…