The Long Road Home

The journey always begins and ends somewhere. It does not matter whether we board the train, embark the plane, or climb into our own vehicle. We are just energy in motion having a human experience. Our travels are like the bumper stickers of the ’70s, covering the back of a vehicle as an advertisement to…

A Lesson From the Three Little Pigs

A Lesson From the Three Little Pigs You know the one about the pigs that went to market. This about the other ones that decided to become homeowners. Each had the desire to have their own place and were weighing out their options relative to what was happening in their lives. Some were not ready…

We All Come From Away

We All Come From Away The dust is beginning to settle but there are no words to describe how the good folks on the Miramichi, put all their energy together and united in a common goal. Of course, I am talking about the little community of Renous being chosen as the recipient of Kraft’s Hockeyville.…

What is holding us back?

What is holding us back? The safety restraint in a vehicle is called a seatbelt and it is designed to prevent forward movement in the event of a crash or sudden stop. In the old days, no one wore them and they were almost an afterthought. After years of education and improvements in safety, the…

When should I take my CPP?

When should I take my Canada Pension entitlement??? The world as we know it is a complicated ball of wax with many moving parts. So many decisions that are not in our control influence the outcome of our journey through life. The good old days of working for the man, retiring with the gold watch…

Why Do I Need This?

Why Do I Need This? How will I ever use that seemingly useless information that I am bombarded with on a daily basis? Do you remember asking yourself that question as a student? I do. All I ever heard was that we live in the age of information and that someday it will come in…

Signs, Signs

Signs, Signs We live in an amazing world, where advancements in technology have taken away the need to think for ourselves. We rarely have to scratch our heads, when all we must do is just “Google It”. It can be as simple as a recipe or as complicated as planning a schedule for a 10-day…